September 14, 2021
Orange Pathways, a committee of Vision Hudson Valley, meets this month on September 14th at 8:30am. Contact info@visionhudsonvalley if you want to be involved in advancing and improving the County’s trail network. Public is welcome!
September 14, 2021
(zoom 8:30am)
The VHV Pathways Committee promotes non-motorized transportation and pedestrian connections in Orange County, adjacent municipalities and Counties through awareness, endorsement, and development of trails and walkways. The Committee collaborates actively with elected officials, regulatory bodies, interested individuals and community groups to promote financing of and innovation in establishing these transportation options.
Contact us for call details!
September 12 – September 26, 2021
Second and last Sundays
next: September 12 & 26, 3-7 pm
@Seligmann Center studio
For more info: https://www.tangounderthetent.com/
September 26 – October 26, 2021
The Warwick Drawing Group Art Exhibit
@Seligmann Center Gallery
Opening Reception: September 26th 3-6pm
Open on Saturdays and Sundays 3-6pm and by appt.
October 6, 2021
The 26th Annual Ottaway Medal Dinner will be held on October 6th, 2021. This year’s honoree is Linda S. Muller. Contact info@visionhudsonvalley for tickets
September 14, 2021
Orange Pathways, a committee of Vision Hudson Valley, meets this month on September 14th at 8:30am. Contact info@visionhudsonvalley if you want to be involved in advancing and improving the County’s trail network. Public is welcome!